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These books provide the complete background for

the Creating a Sober World Conversation

Absolutely Sober: A History Principles And Practice of The Destruction of Self-Contentedness
Nothing: A Sober Discussion of Being and Non-Being

This Book tells the story of the Oxford Group Founder, Frank Buchman's encounter with the Cross of Christ at the English Keswick Convention of 1908

Bill Wilson admitted to being nothing on page 13 of AA's Big Book. Other Spiritual realizers have come to know their own nothingness. Here you will come to know all there is to know about Nothing.



You could be addicted to under-being or under-earning. If you are, you will need to hit bottom. This book explains how you do that.

Hitting Bottom In

Underearners Anonymous

Creating a Sober World

A First-Century Apostolic Church

for the Twenty-First

Frank Buchman Apostle to the 20th century

Andrew D. Founder of Underearners Anonymous (UA)

Jessie Penn-Lewis
John Nelson Darby

Additional Reading

Our Creating a Sober World Member is encouraged to read all AA Approved Book and all of Dick B's History of AA as well as the literature on our recommended reading list.

Recommended Reading List:

The Green Letters is the best way to come to to know our position in Christ. There is a short version and the longer Complete Green Letters. We have posted the short version which consists of the basic teaching in eighteen chapters at the link below.

On The Tail of a Comet details to life of Frank Buchman, the founder of the Oxford Group, the precursor of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The work of Creating a Sober World is really just another unfolding of Frank's vision.

This book is out of print and hard to get. You can access a pdf of this book at the link below.

Alcoholics Anonymous is the basic "how to" resource for Creating a Sober World. For those who have read Creating a Sober World this will need no further explanation.

The AA text is free to read off of the Alcoholics Anonymous web site. Link below:

Last, but not least, you need your very own copy of the You Version Bible App.

The You Version gives you instant access to scores of popular Bible translations. It also allows you to listen to the recorded versions.

You can download your very own copy of the app. at the link below: